Why Do We Need the Church?

(THEO-N042, CEU 1) This 3-WEEK SEMINAR will run again in Spring 2025. It explores key reasons why active involvement in the life of the Church, especially the Mass, is Christ’s will for his followers.

Many people today believe in God and Jesus but do not feel the need to belong to a church or attend religious services. They may consider themselves to be “believers but not belongers.” This likely includes some of your own family and friends. Therefore, the need to equip Catholics to credibly, convincingly, and compellingly explain and share why we need the Church, the sacraments, and the Mass has never been greater.

This apologetics seminar will help us respond to this alarming and growing trend by exploring key reasons why active involvement in the life of the Church, especially the Mass, is Christ’s will for his followers. We are confident that you will find this unique seminar to be an opportunity to strengthen the practice of your faith and learn valuable information for sharing with family and friends who do not regularly attend Mass. As such, this seminar will help you better perform the Spiritual Works of Mercy to “counsel the doubtful” and “instruct the uninformed.”

This seminar is one of six seminars in the Certificate in Apologetics being offered by Catholic Distance University.