Christian Prayer

Pillar Four of the Catechism invites students to make the objective realities of doctrine, worship, and life in Christ an integral part of the personal relationship all Christians are invited to have with the living God. Students who complete these five inspiring lessons will be given new understandings to help them adapt their own way of praying so that it transforms their relationship with God. They will be able to relate prayer to living the Christian life, to explain the revelation of prayer in the Old and New Testaments, to trace the development of prayer in the Christian tradition, to identify ways of overcoming obstacles to prayer, and finally to summarize the main truths that are contained in the Our Father.

Course Objective: Based on Pillar Four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this course will study the Church's life of prayer as a mystery. Students who complete this course should be able to explain why prayer is the alpha and omega of the Christian's life. (Additional objectives can be found at the beginning of each lesson.)