Introduction to the Catechism

This introductory course concentrates on the catechetical apostolate (the work of teaching the Faith) and traces its development from the Early Church to Vatican II.It explores the historical development of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and earlier catechisms, the role of collegiality in developing the Catechism, and the application of the Catechism to the Christian's call to evangelization. The final lesson will focus on the issues related to the content, structure, style, language, and theological notes that were addressed in the development of this Catechism. Students who successfully complete this course should be ready to study and appreciate the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a secure norm for communicating the deposit of Faith in the work of evangelization and catechesis.

Students who complete this course should be able to trace the development of the catechetical apostolate (the work of teaching the Faith) from the early Church to Vatican II. (Additional objectives can be found at the beginning of each lesson.)